Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Importance of Happiness

The utopia intensive has taught me a large amount about the importance of self-sufficiency and happiness. I have learned that in order to have a flourishing community at all times, the community must be completely self-sustainable. This meaning that the society must create all goods and produce within their land. Sustainability is the most important factor when creating a utopia because it is the difference between short term and long term success. Sustainability is the difference between a society with multiple locations and a society with only one. Sustainability is the difference between life and death. Sustainability means being able to grow your own food and butcher your own livestock. It means having a community of people willing to do work. It means having a well-rounded and organized group of citizens. It means being able to get the job done no matter the circumstances
                Without happiness, communities would not be able to gain sustainability and eventual success. Happiness is the emotion that motivates people to do the work that is not necessarily pleasing or rewarding. Happiness is achieved by gaining many experiences that give the feeling of appreciation and enjoyment. Many communities failed due to its inability to make its youth happy. For example, the Zoarites failed because the youth were not happy with the bare minimum that they were living with. They understood what they were missing because they had a railroad that allowed them to understand what the world outside of the community was like.
                As we can see, happiness leads to sustainability which, in turn, leads to success within a society. Without happiness there would be no intentional communities. Happiness is the primary factor that leads a community down the path of success and away from the path of failure.

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