Sunday, December 8, 2013

Utopia: An Impossible Feat...?

Utopia: An Impossible Feat
            In our class thus far we have encountered the idea of a Utopia countless times.  Each time we are faced with a similar question.  Is a Utopia truly possible, and what defines a Utopia?  Originally I thought that a Utopia would be possible, but only under very strict circumstances.  I thought that while it was unlikely for it to occur and exist for a long period of time, it was possible.  However, recently I have begun to think differently.  I believe that a Utopia can never be achieved, not because of the impossibility of creating a utopian society, but rather because of our mentality and inability to recognize a perfect world. 
As humans, we are constantly making comparisons.  Whether we are comparing two possible life decisions or two possible meals for lunch, our brain is constantly sizing options against one another.  In most cases, we compare anything new to something we know.  It is because of this, that the human race will never be able to create nor identify a Utopia. 

If it were possible to take out all of the bad things in society and leave only the good ones, while we would live in a near perfect world, due to human nature we would not see it as perfect.  Having grown used to the world we live in today, in comparison the new “perfect” world would seem odd and unnatural to most people.  Similarly if we were to leave only the bad things in society, then obviously humans would recognize the world as evil and reject this new “imperfect” world.  We know from experience that the world we live in today is not perfect.  So leaving everything unchanged would not create a Utopia either.  From this we can see that a Utopia will never be achieved, due to human nature and our constant comparison of new things to what we know.  So an interesting question can be posed, despite the fact that we cannot recognize a utopia, does that mean that it cannot exist?  

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